Teachers Chaos to Control MODULE 9 - Foundation Principles
Gain a full understanding of the foundation principles of chess.
Once you complete this module you will be able to:
* Understand what is going on in every chess position.
* Explain any chess position to your students in a clear, concise and educated way.
* Understand the different priorities in chess, and how priorities change through the phases of the game.
* Develop a strong understanding of opening, middlegame and endgame ideas.
The program is fully accessible immediately after purchase, on demand. Access modules in any order and watch at your pace.
9.1 Introduction [Video length 3:01] The Foundation principles are the building blocks of Chess, allowing you to break chess down into simple easy to understand concepts. These principles give you the capability to understand every chess position and also explain it to others in a clear, concise and educated way.
9.2 The Platinum Rules [Video length 6:22] The Platinum rules are the first set of founding principles that every player should follow to play the whole game well.
9.2.1 The Platinum Rules Example lesson 1 (Be safe) [Video length 10:26] An example game illustrating the first platinum rule, "Be safe".
9.2.2 The Platinum Rules Example lesson 2 (Always take back) [Video length 7:57] A game between two beginners where one of the players loses his power because he doesn't take back.
9.2.3 The Platinum Rules Example lesson 3 (Never give up) [Video length: 10:42] Several examples illustrating the importance of not giving up and the power of stalemate to save lost games.
9.3 The Golden Rules [Video length 13:22] The golden rules are founding principles for the opening phase of the game. Learn these well and your students will be playing the opening like a grandmaster! Note: Define what is the opening and when it transitions to the middle-game.
9.3.1 The Golden Rules Example lesson 1 (Control the centre) [Video length 16:58] A nice game showing the value of a pawn wall to force opponents pieces into poor positions.
9.3.2 The Golden Rules Example lesson 2 (Control the centre) [Video length 12:27] A dynamic game illustrating the power of a mobile pawn centre in creating surprising attacking opportunities.
9.3.3 The Golden Rules Example lesson 3 (Get your team in the game) [Video length 17:35] A short and beautiful game showing how to accelerate development of the pieces finishing with an explosive sacrifice.
9.3.4 The Golden Rules Example lesson 4 (Get your team in the game) [Video length 16:39] White develops his pieces fast, sacrifices the queen and then co-ordinates all four minor pieces perfectly to finish with a beautiful checkmate.
9.3.5 The Golden Rules Example lesson 5 (Castle) [Video length 25:57] An incredible gambit-style game featuring rapid development, castling and a swathe of cascading sacrifices ending with a picturesque smothered mate.
9.3.6 The Golden Rules Example lesson 6 (Castle) [Video length 16:09] White castles fast and then uses the power of the rook to create nice tactical opportunities.
9.4 The Silver Rules [Video length 21:10] The silver rules are the founding principles for the middle-game that guide students on a sound strategy after the opening phase.
9.4.1 The Silver Rules Example lesson 1 - Part 1 (Get active) [Video length 15:48] The game is all about getting the pieces into powerful central attacking positions so that everything is prepared well for the coming attack.
9.4.2 The Silver Rules Example lesson 1 - Part 2 (Get active) [Video length 15:27] One of the most famous games of the 19th century, this game is all about getting the pieces out fast, always with a threat and then activating them into powerful central attacking positions for a grand finale.
9.4.3 The Silver Rules Example lesson 2 (Trade if you are up) [Video length 12:19] A collection of examples illustrating the concept of trading when you have extra material as the most effective way of converting a winning advantage.
9.4.4 The Silver Rules Example lesson 3 (Improve your worst piece) [Video length 21:22] A collection of examples illustrating the concept of identifying your worst piece and then working out how to improve it and turn it into a superhero!
9.5 The Bronze Rules [Video length 05:22] The bronze rules form the founding principles for playing the final stage of the game well. Young players often play the endgame poorly not recognising this phase of the game has very different priorities than the opening or middle-game phases.
9.5.1 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 1 (Get your king active) [Video length 14:13] How your king can be used to attack and win pawns, supporting your pawns to the queening square and prevent your opponents king from getting active.
9.5.2 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 2 (Get your king active) [Video length 14:24] Two examples showing the immense power of king activity to compensate for significant material deficits. The Bronze Rules Example lesson 3 (Get your king active) [Video length 16:27] Transforming positions to create strong winning chances using powerful king activity. The Bronze Rules Example lesson 3 (Get your king active) addendum [Video length 26:12] An insight into winning endgame tactics using advanced techniques.
9.5.4 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 1 (Win pawns) [Video length 20:02] How to win pawns in the endgame to create winning chances with the help of the two bishops.
9.5.5 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 2 (Win pawns) [Video length 21:29] How to win pawns by attacking pawns that cannot be easily defended.
9.5.6 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 3 (Win pawns) [Video length 13:04] How to build resilience and not lose your pawns in the endgame.
9.5.7 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 1 (Queen pawns) [Video length 13:17] Awesome endgame tactics to help queen pawns.
9.5.8 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 2 (Queen pawns) [Video length 16:55] Weighing up two principles: winning pawns vs queening pawns.
9.5.9 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 3 (Queen pawns) [Video length 14:05] Giving back material to queen your pawns faster.
9.5.10 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 4 (Queen pawns) [Video length 19:42] The power of the passed pawns in forcing your opponents pieces into defensive roles and transform it as an attacking weapon.
9.5.11 The Bronze Rules Example lesson 5 (Queen pawns) [Video length 11:13] Weighing up two principles: king activity vs queening pawns.
9.5.12 The Bronze Rules - Bringing it all together lesson 1 [Video length 14:36] Bringing the endgame together by combining all three endgame principles.
9.5.13 The Bronze Rules - Bringing it all together lesson 2 [Video length 18:40] Bringing the endgame together by prioritising principles to build a phased endgame plan.
9.5.14 The Bronze Rules - Bringing it all together lesson 3 [Video length 10:50] Bringing the endgame together by creating attacking opportunities using breakthroughs. The Bronze Rules - Bringing it all together lesson 4 (Part I) [Video length 29:38] Part 1 of a two-part lesson in bringing the endgame together by building a cohesive plan to eliminate and defend weaknesses with a focus on Rook+Knight vs Rook+Knight. The Bronze Rules - Bringing it all together lesson 4 (Part II) [Video length 14:37] Part 2 of a two-part lesson in bringing the endgame together by building a cohesive plan to eliminate and defend weaknesses this time focussing on Rook+Pawn vs Rook.
9.6 Module wrapup [Video length 2:59] A summary of the learning completed for this module and recommended next steps.